Saturday, October 26, 2013

National Roller Skating Month is OCTOBER!

Roller Skating Association International Celebrates National Roller Skating Month in October

PRWEB.COM Newswire
Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) October 14, 2013
The Roller Skating Association International (RSA) is encouraging families to seek out their local roller skating rinks to find out more about special events, activities and promotions in celebration of National Roller Skating Month (NRSM). This October, the RSA, along with nearly 1000 member skating centers, are promoting roller skating with a new “How Do You Roll” campaign. Families, kids and teens are encouraged to go to their local roller skating rink and dedicate themselves to achieving an active lifestyle and joining the RSA as we roller skate a million miles.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fun links one of the Cast Iron Skaters would like to share with ya!

I (Ivannah Cursue) would like to share some of my favorite derby videos! Really, anything labeled derby on youtube has some sort of great point, but these are my faves..... Yes the list is long. I think the one thing I’m obsessed with right now is the Pegassist. I just feel like it totally rocks. Of course, our league is USARS so it would be MUCH harder to accomplish. I still sit here imaging the asisted apex jumps we will accomplish!

Here is the awesomness that is.... pegassist!
and a better view!

Texas Rollergirls!
“It doesn’t hurt to watch!”
Angel City Derby Girls
“Shit Derby Girls Say”
Suzy Hotrod bomb ass....thats all there is to say..... Love all the slo mos, it really catches the skill!
Beyonslay.... just cuz it was amazing... found at the 36 second mark with following amazing slo mo
Krissy Krash... cuz I love her hits

And the hits that count!

What are your fave derby videos?! Please share with us!