Sunday, January 19, 2014

Teammates; what’s the point of having them if they can’t offend and defend you?

by Ivannah Cursue aka Sue

A great team is made up of people that can offend you and defend you. Roller Derby allows a team to make an all-inclusive game play; therefore the importance of having a well rounded team that can play offensively as well as defensively is more important than ever. If this strategy fails, so will the team. A few good players can only get a team so far, however a team of strategically equal players (even if they are not the best!) will advance. TEAM has no I in it, however WE are the TEAM!

The Offensive Defender
If my teammate tells me my tights are seriously unflattering, yes I’d be offended; but I’d appreciate them not letting me go out on the track lookin’ like a fool. Now to talk about on the track plays. I’m jamming and am in a pickle; there is simply no way can I make it through the upcoming pack. I certainly hope my teammates will be able to offensively help me get my tacky tight wearing ass through that pack. The most interesting part of Derby is that all offensive assistance includes a defensive play. In the example above, my teammates are most certainly blocking other players in order to assist me through this wall.

The Defending Offense
If we are at an after party and some jerk won’t back off, my teammates will defend me! Hell yes I will appreciate this and I’d do the same for them! Now switch this to on the track plays. I’m jamming and not the current lead jammer; my teammates block the lead jammer so I can scoot on up the lead position. Again we see a dual play using both offence and defense. As my teammates are blocking the other jammer, I am able to pass the lead jammer, and therefore my team is assisting me though.
Without one, there is not completion of a play. If there is more of one than the other, the play will look like a literal cluster f**k. Equality makes for an even and amazing play. How do you get that amazing equal ratio? Good coaching and good teamwork is the key to this success, however if you feel it necessary, work on one part of that team at a time. The part of the team that is found in the letters... ME. Work on me. It is me that can try harder, it is me that can learn how to read the pack, it is me that can help my teammates learn how to talk more during the jam and it is me that will do those things.

Whenever in doubt, work on me.

The me in team is each of us in the team working individually as the team. When we all work on me, we become the WE that makes the team. Make the me the best that it can be through self dedication and teamwork. We are Derby, and its all for the love of the sport!

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